Why export products need Tanzania COC Certificate

When exporting products to other countries, it is important to ensure that they meet all necessary requirements. This includes having a Tanzania COC certificate. A Tanzania Certificate of Origin (COC) is a document that certifies the origin of goods. This document is used to support claims for preferential treatment or exemption from duties and taxes.…

Які основні зміни в сертифікаті SABRE Саудівська Аравія

For Chinese exporters, the certification required for products exported to Saudi Arabia was SASO, while the SABRE certificate Saudi Arabia is an upgraded certification system. That is to say, based on the current market changes, the relevant compliance certification for enterprises exporting to Saudi Arabia.   So after the SABRE certification Saudi Arabia was proposed,…

Як отримати сертифікат SABRE, вибір органу сертифікації має вирішальне значення

Each country formulates assessment standards for corresponding products according to its own national conditions, and only products that meet the standards can be circulated here. So what is a SABRE certificate and how to get a SABRE certificate? The SABRE certificate is the certification required by Saudi Arabia for the import of products from non-local…