зразок сертифіката soncap

SONCAP stands for the Standards Organization for the Nigeria Conformity Assessment Program. The SONCAP Certificate (SC) is a mandatory customs clearance document in Nigeria for import and export purposes. It is issued by the Nigerian Standards Organization (SON) upon receipt of the IAF’s Certificate of Conformity (CoC). This certificate applies to SONCAP-regulated products. This certification…

ul сертифікат відповідності

Speaking of UL certification. It can get expensive and quick to certify products in your business. However, one thing that is never worth neglecting is security. The safety of your customers and employees is the most important thing to ensure brand loyalty .safe and reliable Sex can be the difference between long-term success and catastrophic…

FCC сертифікат служби

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent agency of the United States federal government. It was created in 1934 by an act of the U.S. Congress, led by Congress. Once you are ready to mass-produce your device, the FCC authorization process begins. These devices have been tested to determine if they may cause interference…

Плата за сертифікат Кувейту KUCAS

The State of Kuwait Public Authority for Industry (PAI) has implemented the Kuwait Conformity Assurance Scheme (KUCAS). The program is a set of procedures performed by PAI to verify that specified products meet technical requirements. regulations. Such regulations apply to both imported and domestically produced products of the program. Exporters and manufacturers of products exported…

Вартість сертифіката COC Танзанії

To assure Tanzanian consumers of the safety and quality of imported goods they buy, and to protect Tanzanian manufacturers from unfair competition, the Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS), a statutory organization of the government of Tanzania, implemented guidelines called the Pre-Shipment Verification of Conformity (PVoC) to Standards Programme. Ensure that their products or shipments comply…

Кенійський сертифікат PVoC

To import any commodity into Kenya, an importer will have to enlist the services of a clearing agent who will process the import documentation through Kenya Customs electronically on the Simba 2005 system and clear the goods on your behalf. Kenya has a pre-shipment inspection requirement (the Pre-Shipment Verification of Conformity, or PVoC) for exports…

Сертифікат SONCAP

The Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) was established by the Standard Organisation of Nigeria Act (No 56) of 1971 with the mandate to set the Standards for manufacturing and sale of products, materials, processes, and services among others; to certify and provide assistance in the production of quality of goods and services, and improve measurement…

Сертифікат GSO GCC

GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) announced the official launching of the GSO Certificate Tracking System. The system offers pertinent information to the relevant authorities responsible for border control and market surveillance in GSO member states. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a regional intergovernmental union consisting of seven Arab countries – the United Arab Emirates, Kingdom…

Сертифікат COC Танзанії

Вартість сертифіката IECEE

The IECEE System, originally operated by the CEE (International (European) Commission for Conformity Certification of Electrical Equipment), was integrated intoEC in 1985 as the CB Scheme of the IECEE. Today this scheme is called “Scheme of the IECEE for Mutual Recognition of Test Certificates for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (CB Scheme) IECEE is operating Third…