FCC certification requirements for radio products
Manufacturers of radio products must certify their products to ensure they comply with regulatory frameworks for global markets, including the US (regulated by the FCC) and Europe (regulated by the European Union). While there are many overlapping considerations when it comes to product compliance, there are significant and different requirements across major global markets.
FCC Compliance FAQsContact Us
To raise awareness and ensure compliance with FCC regulations, the following FAQs are designed to help signatory companies better understand these issues.
1. How can signage companies ensure that the digital signage they purchase from manufacturers is FCC compliant?
2. How can signage companies demonstrate to customers that their digital signage is FCC compliant?
3. How does the FCC know that digital signage is interfering with the wireless spectrum?
4. If digital signage is cited by the FCC, must it be shut down immediately?
5. What are the penalties if digital signage is cited for FCC violation but not shut down? Who will assess these penalties?
6. Can the illegal digital signage be adjusted on-site to make it compliant?

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