Сертификат SABRE: подробное руководство по сертификации продукции и сборам

If you are planning to export your products to Saudi Arabia, obtaining a SABER certificate is essential. SABER (Saudi Arabia’s conformity assessment program) is a mandatory program that requires specific products to be certified before they can enter the Saudi Arabian market. SABER certificate is issued by authorized conformity assessment bodies (CABs), and the process…

Kenya PVoC Certificate: The Importance of Product Certification for Importers

If you’re importing goods into Kenya, you need to be aware of the Kenya PVoC (Pre-Export Verification of Conformity) program. This program requires certain products to undergo verification and certification to ensure they meet Kenya’s technical regulations and quality standards. The Kenya PVoC Certificate is issued to confirm that your product complies with the necessary…

UL Certification

In today’s competitive market, it is essential to ensure that your products stand out from the crowd. One way to accomplish this is by obtaining UL certification for your products. UL certification is a voluntary safety certification that has been around for over 125 years. It is a widely recognized standard that assures consumers and…