Uganda requires that all regulated products imported into the country comply with the requirements of the UNBS PVoC scheme. Under the PVoC scheme, CoC is mandatory for customs clearance. A CoC confirms that your product complies with all applicable national standards or approved equivalent standards and technical regulations and must be issued by an authorized inspection and certification body.
The certificate of conformity is the authorization document for the product. In addition, it states that the tested product complies with all specified production, technical, and safety specifications.
In addition, each country has its own product quality standards. Therefore, for a specific product, the criteria for a certificate of conformity depend on the needs of the importing country or buyer.
For example, the quality standards for first aid kits in the United States will be different from those in the European Union.
Also, standards vary by product category. Since each product has different characteristics and specifications, the standards required for each product are also different.
To give you an idea, the required standards for cosmetic products are quite different from automotive parts (like headlights).
- JCT была основана в 2003 году и существует с 1990 года. Мы работаем над сертификацией и тестированием более 15 лет.
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