The FCC mark is a voluntary mark used on electronic products manufactured or sold in the United States to indicate that the electromagnetic emissions of the equipment are below the limits set by the Federal Communications Commission and that the manufacturer has complied with the requirements of the Federal Communications Commission. Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity Authorization Procedure.
When an electronic device has an FCC certificate, it means the product has been tested to comply with FCC standards and it has been approved. An FCC certification does not imply that the product is safe or durable. It simply means that it meets regulated limits for ionizing radiation. A certification does not imply that the device was manufactured any specific way. FCC approval can be granted as long as the electronic device meets FCC emission rules and regulations and has been tested to comply with FCC standards.
If you’re a manufacturer, product distributor or testing center and you’re looking to get information about FCC electronics and rf compliance, call us today at (503) 482-9289 or email us for a free quote about type approval services.
Compliance testing and requirements set by the Federal Communications Commission can seem extremely confusing. They can cause major frustration for manufacturers and electronic distribution companies. We can help your company better understand the process needed to gain an FCC certificate and help your product become certified to be sold in the United States.
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