Why is FCC Certification Necessary for Wireless Devices?

If you are a manufacturer of wireless devices or equipment, it is essential to obtain FCC certification. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is responsible for managing and licensing the electromagnetic spectrum used for various wireless services, including public safety, commercial and non-commercial fixed and mobile wireless services, broadcast television and radio, satellite and other services.…

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If you are a manufacturer looking to export your products to Saudi Arabia, it is important to understand the SABER certification process. SABER stands for Saudi Arabia’s Electronic Conformity Assessment Program, and it is a mandatory program for all products imported to the Kingdom. In this blog post, we will go through the SABER certification…

Do I Need FCC Certification? A Guide to Compliance for Electronic Products

If you’re planning to manufacture or import an electronic product that uses radio frequency (RF) technology, you may need to obtain certification from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This certification ensures that your product meets certain standards and is compliant with FCC regulations, which are designed to ensure the safety and reliability of RF devices.…

SABER Certification for Cosmetics and Personal Care Products: What You Need to Know

SABER certification is a mandatory requirement for companies that export cosmetics and personal care products to Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Arabian Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) introduced the SABER certification program in 2018 to ensure that all products imported into the country meet their technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures.   If you are…