fcc 証明書とは何か、適用範囲は何か

fcc証明書とは何ですか?通信製品やデジタル製品が米国市場に参入する際に取得が必要な製品証明書です。中国語に翻訳されたいわゆる fcc は、米国政府に所属する独立機関である米国連邦通信委員会です。責任範囲は、ラジオ放送、テレビ、電気通信、衛星、ケーブルです。米国全体の生命と財産、および対応する無線の安全性を確保するために、米国市場に参入する必要があるすべての通信製品は、無線デバイスと対応する航空機のテストを含め、FCC によって承認される必要があります。では、適用範囲は…


UL Recognition services are less consumer-facing and more focused on the machinery and parts that make other products. In other words, it certifies that the components in the larger mechanism are UL compliant. UL certification is most commonly found in factories, in the form of power supplies or circuit boards used to power other machines. UL recognition ensures the safety and efficiency of machines used by workers. It also enables companies to strive for more sustainable practices. Since the focus of UL recognition is on components, UL ensures that equipment is properly housed. This may require additional installation precautions to protect the product from chemicals or liquids during the manufacturing…

fcc certification problem

FCC certification requirements for radio products Manufacturers of radio products must certify their products to ensure they comply with regulatory frameworks for global markets, including the US (regulated by the FCC) and Europe (regulated by the European Union). While there are many overlapping considerations when it comes to product compliance, there are significant and different requirements across major global markets.   FCC Compliance FAQsContact Us To raise awareness and ensure compliance with FCC regulations, the following FAQs are designed to help signatory companies better understand these issues. 1. How can signage companies ensure that the digital signage they purchase from manufacturers is FCC compliant? 2. How can signage companies demonstrate…


What is UL certification? UL was founded in 1894. In the initial stage, UL mainly relied on the funds provided by the fire insurance department to maintain its operations. It was not until 1916 that UL was completely independent. After nearly a hundred years of development, UL has become a world-renowned certification body with a set of strict organizational management systems, standard development and product certification procedures. UL is governed by a council of representatives from safety experts, government officials, consumers, education, utilities, insurance, and standards departments, with day-to-day operations handled by the president and vice president. At present, UL has five laboratories in the United States, headquartered in Northbrook…