Tanzania requires all regulated products imported into the country to be assessed and compliant with the TBS PVoC scheme. Under the PVoC scheme, a Certificate of Conformity (CoC) is mandatory for customs clearance. The CoC should certify that your product complies with all applicable national standards or approved equivalent standards and technical regulations and must be issued by an authorized inspection and certification body prior to shipment.
To assure Tanzanian consumers of the safety and quality of the imported goods they buy, and to protect Tanzanian manufacturers from unfair competition, the Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS), a statutory body of the Tanzanian government, has implemented a guideline called pre-shipment verification of compliance with standards (PVoC) program.
- JCT è stato avviato nel 2003 ed è stato istituito dal 1990. Lavoriamo sulla certificazione e sui test da oltre 15 anni di esperienza.
- More than 500 customers choose JCT’s Service, we JCT get more than 1000+ certificate for customers,and save many times and money.Also helped customers get more orders.
- Siamo fiduciosi che il lavoro sarà completato in modo soddisfacente. Se per qualsiasi motivo non sei completamente soddisfatto dei risultati, risolveremo il problema e non considereremo il lavoro svolto finché non avrai un sorriso sulle labbra!
- Don’t worry about hidden charges at the end. We present you with fixed rate pricing before any work even begins, so you will know exactly what to expect. What we quote is what you can expect to pay nothing more.