האם אני צריך תעודת סבר כדי לייצא תנורי מיקרוגל לסעודיה?

קיים בלבול מסוים בשאלה האם נדרשת תעודת סבר לייצוא תנורי מיקרוגל לסעודיה. תעודת Sabre היא תעודה מקוונת שהונפקה על ידי פלטפורמת saber עבור תקנות טכניות סעודיות שהונפקו על ידי SASO עבור מוצרים מוסדרים ולא מוסדרים. כל סוגי המוצרים חייבים להיכנס לשוק הסעודי. ללא תעודה זו, לא תהיה…

כיצד לקבל תעודת COC של טנזניה

If you’re looking to get your Tanzania COC certificate, you’re in luck! Here we’ll walk you through the process of how to get it. What is a Tanzania COC Certificate? A Tanzania COC Certificate is a document that proves that a company is registered and operational in Tanzania. The certificate is issued by the Tanzania…

עזרה בתעודת קוקיס מרוקו

To protect Moroccan consumers from substandard products and to ensure that safety and quality certified products enter the Moroccan market, the Moroccan Ministry of Industry, Trade, Green and Digital Economy (MICEVN) has implemented the Verification of Conformity (VoC) program. Certain imported consumer and industrial products should be tested according to local NM standards, which are…

apply for Uganda PVoC Certificate

Uganda requires that all regulated products imported into the country comply with the requirements of the UNBS PVoC scheme. Under the PVoC scheme, CoC is mandatory for customs clearance. A CoC confirms that your product complies with all applicable national standards or approved equivalent standards and technical regulations and must be issued by an authorized…

Kuwait KUCAS Certificate Fees

The State of Kuwait Public Authority for Industry (PAI) has implemented the Kuwait Conformity Assurance Scheme (KUCAS). The program is a set of procedures performed by PAI to verify that specified products meet technical requirements. regulations. Such regulations apply to both imported and domestically produced products of the program. Exporters and manufacturers of products exported…