SAA Approvals is accredited by the Joint Accreditation Service of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) as a third-party certification body. SAA Approvals is now gazetted by the NSW Office of Fair Trading Department of Commerce as a Recognised External Approvals Scheme. This allows us to issue Certificates of Approval for declared and non-declared electrical equipment that has proven to comply with the safety requirements of the applicable Australian Standard and be fully accepted throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Our focus is on Electrical Product Safety Approval Certification which allows the sale of electrical equipment, accessories, and appliances in Australia and New Zealand.
Our company is privately owned and totally independent from any testing authority and government association. We employ highly experienced and technically competent personnel to ensure a fast, professional and friendly service.
You benefit from our rapid certification process that allows you to enter the market sooner, providing a faster return on your import or manufacturing investment.
- JCT a été lancé en 2003 et est établi depuis 1990. Nous travaillons sur la certification et les tests depuis plus de 15 ans d'expérience.
- More than 500 customers choose JCT’s Service, we JCT get more than 1000+ certificate for customers,and save many times and money.Also helped customers get more orders.
- Nous sommes convaincus que le travail sera terminé à votre satisfaction. Si pour une raison quelconque vous n'êtes pas entièrement satisfait des résultats, nous réglerons le problème et ne considérerons pas le travail comme fait tant que vous n'aurez pas le sourire aux lèvres !
- Don’t worry about hidden charges at the end. We present you with fixed rate pricing before any work even begins, so you will know exactly what to expect. What we quote is what you can expect to pay nothing more.