What's Kenya PVOC Certificate?
Das Kenyan Bureau of Standards (KEBS) hat das Programm „Pre-Export Verification of Conformity (PVoC) to Standards“ eingeführt, um die Qualität der Produkte zu gewährleisten, die auch die Gesundheits-, Sicherheits- und Umweltstandards für Kenianer erfüllen müssen.
To assure Kenyan consumers of the safety and quality of the imported goods they buy, and to protect Kenyan manufacturers from unfair competition, the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), a statutory organisation of the government of Kenya, has implemented guidelines called the Pre-Export Verification of Conformity (PVoC) to Standards Programme for exports to Kenya.
Products must meet its requirements before they can be exported to Kenya – non-compliant goods will be denied entry.
Goods imported into Kenya require a Certificate of Conformity (CoC)
CoC is a mandatory clearance document for each consignment
Goods exempted from the program are still subject to KEBS destination inspection
Exporter is liable for any legal or economic consequences arising for goods shipped without the cover of a COC Responsibility of compliance lies with the supplier/exporter
Kenya’s PVoC ensures goods meet mandatory safety, quality and security requirements, enables international trade, avoids delays in customs and reduces potential losses from the import of non compliant products.
The key elements of a PVoC are:
- Physical inspection prior to shipment
- Sampling, testing and analysis in accredited laboratories
- Audit of product processes
- Documentary check of conformity to regulations
- Assessment of conformity to Kenyan Standards
With decades of experience managing conformity assessment programs around the world JCT offers exporters efficient and comprehensive solutions to ensure shipments conform to Kenya’s requirements.
Kenya PVoC process and Routes:
Routes of Certification
Route A – Occasional Exports
- No registration
- Testing and Inspection
- Issuance of CoC
Route B – Frequent Exporters
- Product registration
- Inspection and random testing
- Issuance of CoC
Route C - Frequent Exporters and High Volume Manufacturers
- Product licensing
- Licence review and random testing
- Issuance of CoC
What can JCT help?
JCT can provide a tailor-made service that meets your particular needs, including:
1.How to according PVOC require.
2.How to get PVOC shortly.
3.Which kind of product need PVOC.
The Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) have announced that all shipment packaging material made up of wood and wooden packaging material such as planks, crates that is imported into Kenya shall be adequately treated and marked in line with the International Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measure (ISPM) No. 15 requirements. Failure to do so may result in shipments facing delays at Kenyan Customs.