- Chichen Technology was founded in 2007 and has 14 years of experience in testing and certification
- The company has a professional testing and certification guidance and service team of 210 people
- The company participated in more than 326 qualification testing and certification projects
- Served more than 1,200 customers and won high recognition and praise from customers
What does it mean to be recognized by UL?
The biggest difference between UL Recognition and UL Certification or Classification is that it does not put a stamp of approval on the final product. UL Recognition services are less consumer-facing and more focused on the machinery and parts that make other products. In other words, it certifies that the components in the larger mechanism are UL compliant. UL certification is most commonly found in factories, in the form of power supplies or circuit boards used to power other machines. UL recognition ensures the safety and efficiency of machines used by workers. It also enables companies to strive for more sustainable practices. Since the focus of UL recognition is on components, UL ensures that equipment is properly housed.
This may require additional installation precautions to protect the product from chemicals or liquids during the manufacturing process. The UL Recognized Seal is generally easier to obtain than the UL Listed. This is because manufacturers can pick and choose which components are certified in a larger system. UL accreditation is also less stringent in its industry standards, making it easier for businesses to gain accreditation. UL-recognized certification can be applied to any component, even barrier materials. If you want to get the UL Mark on your stand-alone product, you must obtain a UL Listed Seal of Approval.
- Cychwynnwyd JCT yn 2003, ac mae wedi'i sefydlu ers 1990. rydym wedi bod yn gweithio ar ardystio a phrofi ers dros 15+ mlynedd o brofiad.
- Mae mwy na 500 o gwsmeriaid yn dewis Gwasanaeth JCT, rydym ni JCT yn cael mwy na 1000+ o dystysgrif i gwsmeriaid, ac yn arbed llawer o weithiau ac arian.Hefyd wedi helpu cwsmeriaid i gael mwy o archebion.
- Rydym yn hyderus y bydd y swydd yn cael ei chwblhau i'ch boddhad. Os am unrhyw reswm nad ydych yn gwbl fodlon gyda'r canlyniadau, byddwn yn trwsio'r mater ac ni fyddwn yn ystyried y gwaith a wnaed nes bod gennych wên ar eich wyneb!
- Peidiwch â phoeni am daliadau cudd ar y diwedd. Rydyn ni'n cyflwyno prisiau cyfradd sefydlog i chi cyn i unrhyw waith ddechrau hyd yn oed, felly byddwch chi'n gwybod yn union beth i'w ddisgwyl. Yr hyn rydyn ni'n ei ddyfynnu yw'r hyn y gallwch chi ddisgwyl ei dalu dim mwy.