- Chichen Technology was founded in 2007 and has 14 years of experience in testing and certification
- The company has a professional testing and certification guidance and service team of 210 people
- The company participated in more than 326 qualification testing and certification projects
- Served more than 1,200 customers and won high recognition and praise from customers
Requirements for importing products into Uganda
Uganda requires that all regulated products imported into the country comply with the requirements of the UNBS PVoC scheme. Under the PVoC scheme, CoC is mandatory for customs clearance.
To ensure the quality and safety of imported products and avoid harm to Ugandan consumers, the Uganda Bureau of Standards has implemented a series of guidelines known as the Pre-Export Product Conformity Certification Scheme (PVOC) since June 2010, which has been suspended . Product conformity certification has been restarted since June 1, 2013. It has been confirmed that the implementation of product conformity certification will be started again from June 1, 2013, and the export guidance and charging information previously released will still be used. All information on the Uganda Product Conformity Certification application can be found in the Exporter’s Guide.
A certificate of compliance is required to ensure that the product is successfully cleared for import in Uganda.
Uganda PVOC Certification FAQ:
1. If the product exported to Uganda does not have a pvoc-coc customs clearance certificate,
Compulsory testing will be carried out at the port of destination and a fine of 15% of the CIF value will be imposed. The cost of compulsory testing at the port of destination shall be borne by the importer.
2. Uganda PVOC certification was officially implemented in June 2013, and the inspection address is in the exporting country.
3. If the exporter’s product has not passed the inspection and has been shipped, the certification application of the exporting country will not be accepted. Please confirm in advance to avoid unnecessary losses.
4. For products exported to Uganda, each product needs to have a trademark or brand name.
- Cychwynnwyd JCT yn 2003, ac mae wedi'i sefydlu ers 1990. rydym wedi bod yn gweithio ar ardystio a phrofi ers dros 15+ mlynedd o brofiad.
- Mae mwy na 500 o gwsmeriaid yn dewis Gwasanaeth JCT, rydym ni JCT yn cael mwy na 1000+ o dystysgrif i gwsmeriaid, ac yn arbed llawer o weithiau ac arian.Hefyd wedi helpu cwsmeriaid i gael mwy o archebion.
- Rydym yn hyderus y bydd y swydd yn cael ei chwblhau i'ch boddhad. Os am unrhyw reswm nad ydych yn gwbl fodlon gyda'r canlyniadau, byddwn yn trwsio'r mater ac ni fyddwn yn ystyried y gwaith a wnaed nes bod gennych wên ar eich wyneb!
- Peidiwch â phoeni am daliadau cudd ar y diwedd. Rydyn ni'n cyflwyno prisiau cyfradd sefydlog i chi cyn i unrhyw waith ddechrau hyd yn oed, felly byddwch chi'n gwybod yn union beth i'w ddisgwyl. Yr hyn rydyn ni'n ei ddyfynnu yw'r hyn y gallwch chi ddisgwyl ei dalu dim mwy.