The Tanzania COC certificate, or Certificate of Conformity, is a document that certifies that imported goods comply with Tanzanian safety, health, and environmental regulations. The Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) is responsible for issuing the COC for goods imported into Tanzania, including both finished products and raw materials.
The COC is required for all imported goods into Tanzania, and failure to obtain the certificate can result in the goods being held at the port of entry until the COC is obtained. The COC is valid for one year and must be renewed annually for continued importation of goods.
To obtain the Tanzania COC certificate, importers must comply with specific requirements, including product testing and inspection by an authorized inspection agency. The inspection must be carried out in the country of origin or the exporting country, and the inspection report must be submitted to TBS for review.
The purpose of the Tanzania COC certificate is to ensure that imported goods meet Tanzanian safety, health, and environmental regulations and protect Tanzanian consumers from harmful or substandard products. The COC also helps to facilitate trade and ensures a level playing field for both domestic and foreign businesses operating in Tanzania.
Overall, the Tanzania COC certificate is an essential requirement for importing goods into Tanzania and plays a significant role in protecting consumers, promoting trade, and ensuring compliance with Tanzanian regulations.
- Cychwynnwyd JCT yn 2003, ac mae wedi'i sefydlu ers 1990. rydym wedi bod yn gweithio ar ardystio a phrofi ers dros 15+ mlynedd o brofiad.
- Mae mwy na 500 o gwsmeriaid yn dewis Gwasanaeth JCT, rydym ni JCT yn cael mwy na 1000+ o dystysgrif i gwsmeriaid, ac yn arbed llawer o weithiau ac arian.Hefyd wedi helpu cwsmeriaid i gael mwy o archebion.
- Rydym yn hyderus y bydd y swydd yn cael ei chwblhau i'ch boddhad. Os am unrhyw reswm nad ydych yn gwbl fodlon gyda'r canlyniadau, byddwn yn trwsio'r mater ac ni fyddwn yn ystyried y gwaith a wnaed nes bod gennych wên ar eich wyneb!
- Peidiwch â phoeni am daliadau cudd ar y diwedd. Rydyn ni'n cyflwyno prisiau cyfradd sefydlog i chi cyn i unrhyw waith ddechrau hyd yn oed, felly byddwch chi'n gwybod yn union beth i'w ddisgwyl. Yr hyn rydyn ni'n ei ddyfynnu yw'r hyn y gallwch chi ddisgwyl ei dalu dim mwy.