Co je certifikát produktu soncap a jak jej získat

Hospodářský rozvoj země přinesl podnikům příležitosti k rozjezdu. S neustálým zlepšováním úrovně mezinárodního obchodu přinesl mezinárodní rozvoj podniků také lepší jaro. Proto se vývoz výrobků podniků stal normalizovaným prodejním procesem. Po získání příslušné certifikace může být produkt…

saber certificate registration

Sabre is an electronic platform that helps local suppliers and factories to electronically register the required certificates of conformity for imported or locally manufactured consumer goods to enter the Saudi market. What are the products that should be registered on SABER? As per January 2021, all regulated and non-regulated products, whether imported or manufactured locally.…

how to issue saber certificate

SABRE is a platform that allows importers and local manufacturers to electronically obtain the required certificates of conformity and shipments of consumer goods, whether they are imported or locally manufactured, to enter the Saudi market. The platform is designed to protect businesses from fraud and ensure products are free of defects that could affect consumers’…

saber certificate sample

The SABER system is a new mandatory importer-based computer system facilitating online certification of imports into Saudi Arabia. The long-term plan is for SABER to become the only system for clearing goods through Saudi customs and replace the SASO COC. All shipments arriving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will require a Product CoC and…