Co je certifikát šavle a jak získat certifikát šavle

V procesu exportu musí produkty projít přísnou kontrolou a teprve po splnění odpovídajících norem cílové země jim může být povolen vstup na trh cílové země za účelem prodeje. Certifikát šavle je nový předpis zavedený v Arábii pro výrobky z exportních zemí. Bylo to oficiálně…

Co je certifikát FCC a jaký je rozsah použití

Co je certifikát FCC? Jde o produktový certifikát, který je potřeba získat, když komunikační produkty a digitální produkty vstoupí na americký trh. Takzvaný fcc přeložený do čínštiny je United States Federal Communications Commission, což je nezávislá agentura přidružená k vládě Spojených států. Zodpovědnost je rozhlasová…

ul certification body

UL Recognition services are less consumer-facing and more focused on the machinery and parts that make other products. In other words, it certifies that the components in the larger mechanism are UL compliant. UL certification is most commonly found in factories, in the form of power supplies or circuit boards used to power other machines.…

Kenya PVoC certifikát

To import any commodity into Kenya, an importer will have to enlist the services of a clearing agent who will process the import documentation through Kenya Customs electronically on the Simba 2005 system and clear the goods on your behalf. Kenya has a pre-shipment inspection requirement (the Pre-Shipment Verification of Conformity, or PVoC) for exports…

Kenya PVoC Certificate

The PVoC must be available upon the arrival of a shipment to Kenya.  Where it arrives without the PVoC, or where it is issued with a date later than the shipment’s arrival, it will be presumed that the procedures for the pre-export verification were not followed and the importer will automatically be assessed a 15% penalty…

Requirements for Kenya PVoC Certificate for Electronic Products

Kenya became the first country in Africa to implement the Pre-Export Verification (PVOC) scheme in 2009. The program aims to simplify the export process and improve the quality of Kenyan exports by ensuring that commodities meet international standards. Under the PVOC scheme, all commodities destined for export must be inspected and certified by an accredited…

Africká certifikace

Introduction to the process and fee standard for applying for Kenya PVoC certificate

In the process of exporting products, relevant certification qualification certificates will be submitted according to the implementation standards of the destination country, and the goods will be approved for entry only after they meet the implementation standards of the country. The purpose of applying for the Kenyan PVOC certificate is the necessary process for products…