The IECEE CB scheme, or CB scheme for short, is an international system for the mutual recognition of test results and certificates relating to the safety of electrical and electronic components, operating equipment and products.
Australian regional certification
The IECEE CB scheme, or CB scheme for short, is an international system for the mutual recognition of test results and certificates relating to the safety of electrical and electronic components, operating equipment and products.
Local responsible supplier required for any ACMA RCM applicable product. Suppliers of products under the ERAC scope must have an ABN in order to register as suppliers. Products not under the ERAC scope can be supplied through a local RCM supplier agent acting on their behalf.
Australské normalizační orgány Australské normalizační asociace, takže mnoho mých přátel nazval australskou certifikaci certifikací SAA. SAA jsou vlastně jen orgány stanovující normy, aniž by vydávaly certifikaci produktu. SAA a později přejmenována: Standards Australia Limited.