- Chichen Technology byla založena v roce 2007 a má 14 let zkušeností s testováním a certifikací
- Společnost má profesionální testovací a certifikační poradenský a servisní tým 210 lidí
- Společnost se podílela na více než 326 projektech kvalifikačního testování a certifikace
- Obsluhoval více než 1200 zákazníků a získal vysoké uznání a chválu od zákazníků
In order to apply for the certificate, you need the following materials: Completed application form/online form. Test Reports – Reports must be accompanied by a laboratory accreditation mark accredited by the ILAC protocol. Such as CNAS, TAF or Dakks reports, but any ILAC signatory is acceptable.
SAA certificate is a third party certification body that can issue certificates of approval for declared and non-declared electrical equipment that has demonstrated compliance with the safety requirements of the applicable Australian Standard. SAA is accredited by the Joint Accreditation Service of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) and accepted and gazetted by the NSW Department of Fair Trading as an accredited external approval scheme
Therefore, with mutual recognition, we are recognised by all Australian and New Zealand regulatory bodies to issue certificates of approval.
SAA certificate is privately owned and completely independent of any testing agencies and government associations.
To ensure the highest quality of SAA certificate products, it is staffed with experienced and highly skilled personnel to ensure fast, professional service. We specialize in Electrical Product Safety Approval, which allows the import and sale of electrical equipment, accessories and appliances in Australia and New Zealand.
- JCT byla zahájena v roce 2003 a byla založena od roku 1990. Na certifikaci a testování pracujeme více než 15 let zkušeností.
- More than 500 customers choose JCT’s Service, we JCT get more than 1000+ certificate for customers,and save many times and money.Also helped customers get more orders.
- Pevně věříme, že práce bude dokončena k Vaší spokojenosti. Pokud z jakéhokoli důvodu nejste s výsledky plně spokojeni, problém napravíme a nebudeme považovat práci za hotovou, dokud nebudete mít úsměv na tváři!
- Don’t worry about hidden charges at the end. We present you with fixed rate pricing before any work even begins, so you will know exactly what to expect. What we quote is what you can expect to pay nothing more.