- 14 عامًا من الخبرة في مجال التصديق
- تأسست Chichen Technology في عام 2007 ولديها 14 عامًا من الخبرة في الاختبار والاعتماد
- فريق التصديق المهني
- تمتلك الشركة فريق خدمة وتوجيهات اختبار وشهادة احترافي يتكون من 210 شخصًا
- تصاريح المؤهلات المتعددة
- شاركت الشركة في أكثر من 326 مشروع اختبار وشهادة
- معترف به للغاية من قبل العملاء
- خدم أكثر من 1200 عميل وحصل على تقدير كبير وثناء من العملاء
SABER Certification is a requirement for all products imported into Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization (SASO) launched the SABER system in 2019 to facilitate the issuance of conformity certificates for products imported into Saudi Arabia. The SABER system aims to streamline the certification process and increase transparency in trade.
One sector that requires SABER Certification is the medical device industry. Medical devices must comply with Saudi Arabian regulations and undergo a certification process before they can be imported into the country. Here are the benefits of SABER Certification for medical devices in Saudi Arabia:
Compliance with Saudi Arabian regulations: Medical devices must comply with the regulatory requirements set by the Saudi Arabian government to ensure patient safety. SABER Certification ensures that the devices meet these requirements.
Faster certification process: SABER Certification streamlines the certification process and reduces the time required to obtain a conformity certificate. This saves time and money for businesses and ensures that products can be imported into Saudi Arabia more quickly.
Improved market access: SABER Certification increases market access for medical devices in Saudi Arabia. Products that do not have the required certification cannot be imported into the country, which limits the market for these devices.
Increased transparency: The SABER system increases transparency in trade by providing a clear and accessible certification process. This improves the overall trust in the market and reduces the risk of non-compliant products being sold.
Enhanced reputation: SABER Certification enhances the reputation of businesses that comply with Saudi Arabian regulations. This demonstrates a commitment to quality and safety, which can improve customer trust and increase sales.
Reduced risk of penalties: Failure to comply with Saudi Arabian regulations can result in penalties, including fines and product recalls. SABER Certification reduces this risk by ensuring that products meet the required standards before they are imported into the country.
Access to new markets: SABER Certification opens up new markets for businesses that comply with Saudi Arabian regulations. This increases the potential for growth and expansion in the region.
In conclusion, SABER Certification is a crucial requirement for medical device businesses that want to import their products into Saudi Arabia. It ensures compliance with Saudi Arabian regulations, reduces the certification process’s time and cost, increases market access and transparency, and enhances the business’s reputation while reducing the risk of penalties.
- بدأ JCT في عام 2003 ، وقد تم تأسيسه منذ عام 1990. لقد عملنا على إصدار الشهادات والاختبار لأكثر من 15 عامًا من الخبرة.
- أكثر من 500 عميل يختارون خدمة JCT ، نحصل على أكثر من 1000+ شهادة للعملاء ، ونوفر العديد من المرات والمال ، كما ساعد العملاء في الحصول على المزيد من الطلبات.
- نحن واثقون من أن الوظيفة ستنتهي بما يرضيك. إذا لم تكن راضيًا تمامًا عن النتائج لأي سبب من الأسباب ، فسنصلح المشكلة ولن نفكر في إنجاز المهمة حتى ترسم ابتسامة على وجهك!
- لا تقلق بشأن الرسوم المخفية في النهاية. نقدم لك أسعارًا ثابتة السعر حتى قبل أن يبدأ أي عمل ، حتى تعرف ما تتوقعه بالضبط. ما ننقله هو ما يمكن أن تتوقعه من دفع المزيد.