- 14 عامًا من الخبرة في مجال التصديق
- تأسست Chichen Technology في عام 2007 ولديها 14 عامًا من الخبرة في الاختبار والاعتماد
- فريق التصديق المهني
- تمتلك الشركة فريق خدمة وتوجيهات اختبار وشهادة احترافي يتكون من 210 شخصًا
- تصاريح المؤهلات المتعددة
- شاركت الشركة في أكثر من 326 مشروع اختبار وشهادة
- معترف به للغاية من قبل العملاء
- خدم أكثر من 1200 عميل وحصل على تقدير كبير وثناء من العملاء
The so-called SAA certificate belongs to the professional certification certificate of the Australian Standards Organization, so in the current import and export market, if the SAA certificate refers to the Australian import and export certification, electrical products produced in any country want to enter the Australian market for sale, then The contents of this standard must be implemented, and the product quality complies with the standard.
Some product are apply SAA certificate, for example: plug, dishwasher, fan, power supply, electric soldering iron, refrigerator, range hood, electric stove, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, room heater, microwave oven etc.
But Even get SAA certificate, also these product should be get RCM certificate according Austrian’s rule then can sale on market. Get more information and regulation please click our website http://www.jctchina.org.cn
There are two cases in the sign of the SAA certificate.
- Formal approval
In the SAA certificate, formal approval is to test the samples of the products. As long as the exporter chooses a formal and internationally recognized laboratory to test the samples provided by itself, and obtains the corresponding certificate of conformity under the premise of meeting the standards, then it will be accepted. Can enter the Australian market for sales.
- Standard mark
Different from formal approval, in addition to providing corresponding samples for testing on export, the standard mark also requires factory inspection of the processing factory to check whether it has the ability to produce, and to ensure that the production process of the product is compliant and other issues. Moreover, if a factory wants to apply for product certification, it needs to have an effective quality management system in the submitted production process.
Because Australia is a federal country, its electrical safety and corresponding energy consumption requirements are certified by each state or region in accordance with the corresponding local standards in the process of certification, and issued by any state The certificate is also valid in other states. Therefore, as long as the sample is tested by the internationally certified SAA certificate testing agency and the corresponding certificate is obtained, then the product meets the standards and can enter the Australian market.
When Chinese manufacturers apply for the SAA certificate, they are mainly faced with the product certification project. Therefore, for this project, different product types can be certified according to the above two certification methods, which can ensure the exporter. The products meet the standards and can be exported to Australia smoothly.
- بدأ JCT في عام 2003 ، وقد تم تأسيسه منذ عام 1990. لقد عملنا على إصدار الشهادات والاختبار لأكثر من 15 عامًا من الخبرة.
- أكثر من 500 عميل يختارون خدمة JCT ، نحصل على أكثر من 1000+ شهادة للعملاء ، ونوفر العديد من المرات والمال ، كما ساعد العملاء في الحصول على المزيد من الطلبات.
- نحن واثقون من أن الوظيفة ستنتهي بما يرضيك. إذا لم تكن راضيًا تمامًا عن النتائج لأي سبب من الأسباب ، فسنصلح المشكلة ولن نفكر في إنجاز المهمة حتى ترسم ابتسامة على وجهك!
- لا تقلق بشأن الرسوم المخفية في النهاية. نقدم لك أسعارًا ثابتة السعر حتى قبل أن يبدأ أي عمل ، حتى تعرف ما تتوقعه بالضبط. ما ننقله هو ما يمكن أن تتوقعه من دفع المزيد.